
I'd love to hear from you. I may not get a chance to respond to you personally but I love knowing what's happening at home while I'm so far away. Below you can find various ways to contact me.

DEAR ELDER: This is a website where you can type out your emails online and then the company will print them and send a physical copy to me, for free! This can be done while I'm in the Missionary Training Center in Mexico and while I'm in Bolivia. More instructions and information can be found on the website.
Select "Mexico MTC" from Oct. 22 - Dec. 3
Select "Bolivia Santa Cruz" from Dec. 3 -April 22, 2016

EMAIL: This nifty little box below allows you to type your message and it will send it straight to my email account which I will check once a week. If you prefer to use your own email provider, then ignore my nifty little box and send your email to

Your Name :

Your Email: (required)

Your Message: (required)

LETTERS: Emails are nice but I love getting physical letters. Send those to me at the following (very long yet all very important) address,

Sister Jennifer Ann Gauger
Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission
Casilla de Correo 2042
Zona Central
Santa Cruz

PACKAGES: I love love love care packages (especially ones with yummy American snacks like Goldfish and Trident Mint Bliss gum). If you would like to make my day and send me a package, use the following (also very long) address,

Sister Jennifer Ann Gauger
Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission
C/ Saavedra esq. Cochabamba
Torres Cainco, Blq Empresarial, Piso 9
Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz